Останні публікації

23.07.2014   15:28Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

People from Chernihiv help military in ATO zone

People from Chernihiv region continue to give humanitarian aid to their fellow-men who are combating in antiterrorist operation now.

Cargo to the Eastern Ukraine is sent once again on July 10, 2014. People from the region, parents and relatives of military, businessmen and other citizens gave necessary things, tourist equipment, food, medicine, lighting and other thing for Ukrainian military.

Though the soldiers are under another operative command, the people in charge of Chernihiv regional military commissariat continue to help them. They do not only coordinate gathering and distribution of humanitarian aid, but also solve legal problems of military and their families.

That is why now, in such a difficult time for the State, the cooperation on providing free legal aid to military and members of their families between Chernihiv public committee for human rights and Chernihiv regional military commissariat is established.

Community Law Center is based on Chernihiv public committee for human rights and is located here: Horkoho St. 57/1, Chernihiv, 14000. Telephone of “hot line”: +38 (0462) 612-532+38 (0462) 612-532.

The project “Legal aid to military and internally displaced persons” is implemented in Kherson, Odesa and Chernihiv regions with the support of International Renaissance Foundation.



Останні новини

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