Останні публікації

05.09.2014   14:51Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

How to fight corruption during mobilization

Chernihiv local recruitment office together with public activists has launched a hot line for victims of corruption during mobilization.

Ukraine is going through the third wave of mobilization. The wave lasts for 45 days and concerns a lot of ordinary people. Lately, many journalists have reported about corruption cases in different recruitment offices. Posts in social networks and media reports point out this problem to the population.

Chernihiv local recruitment office decided to fight corruption and power abuse during mobilization. Local Community Law Center offered its help to create a special hot line for victims of corrupted military officials. Now anybody can call this hot line, explain the issue or just receive information about mobilization.

You too can call our specialists if you need help or have a question about mobilization:

(050) 145-65-87(050) 145-65-87 (Kostyantin Nikulin, Chernihiv local recruitment commissar).

(066) 821-00-78(066) 821-00-78 (Vadym Lilchytskiy, Deputy commissar)

Chernihiv Community Law Center’s lawyers are also available if you need legal help. Lawyers deal with different cases, including social protection of soldiers and their families, unlawful mobilization, corruption etc. Mobilized persons and their families can come to the Center and receive help and advice.

Address of Chernihiv Community Law Center: Gorkogo str. 57/1, Chernihiv, 14000;

“Hot line” telephone number: (0462) 612-532(0462) 612-532.



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