Останні публікації
18.05.2009 17:06 — Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини
But there is no intelligible response of law machinery and authorities to these events so far: extremist groups continue to function; city of Chernihiv is filled with fascist graffiti, calls to oppression of migrants are heard louder.
In civilized European society all above-mentioned things produce result in active measures of authorities to stop extremism but we do not see still such activity in Ukraine.
On the occasion of the European-wide Action Week Against Racism, Chernihiv Public Committee of Human Rights Protection in cooperation with the assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukrina on human rights in Chernihiv Region held some actions. In particular, there were held studies within the framework of the system of policemen training, paid visit to the Rozsudiv Migrant Temporary Accommodation Center in Chernihiv Region to interview detained migrants.
Chernihiv Public Committee of Human Rights Protection, welcoming initiatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on holding action week against racism, addresses an appeal to law machinery to:
• enhance prophylactic activity to fight against racism, intolerance and xenophobia in the region;
• initiate real activity to put an end to activity of extremist forces in the region which are the source of many criminal offences;
• differentiate freedom of expression from outright propaganda of racism, xenophobia and intolerance in public actions of public and political movements, undertaking adequate measures according to the law;
• protect practically vulnerable groups and minorities residing in the region.
Останні новини
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