Archive: 17 вересня 2013
Commitee News 
«Clima East: Conservation and sustainable use of peatlands» project launched in Chernihiv 20:50

Through the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) the European Union is currently supporting the East Partnership countries (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and the Russian Federation within the Clima East program (8 pilot projects in 7 countries) so that they are better equipped for greenhouse-gas emission reductions and better prepared to deal with climate change impacts.
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«Clima East: Conservation and sustainable use of peatlands» project launched in Chernihiv 20:50

Through the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) the European Union is currently supporting the East Partnership countries (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and the Russian Federation within the Clima East program (8 pilot projects in 7 countries) so that they are better equipped for greenhouse-gas emission reductions and better prepared to deal with climate change impacts.
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