Останні публікації

22.04.2013   13:52Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

Red Cross in Chernihiv oblast helped 1,600 irregular immigrants to contact their relatives

Due to the Red Cross, almost 1,600 irregular immigrants detained in Chernihiv oblast obtained the possibility to contact their relatives and consular establishments, and thus, to speed up the determination of their future.

This was informed to the correspondent of the news agency UKRINFORM by the deputy chairman of the Chernihiv Regional Organization of Red Cross, the supervisor of the programme “Restoration of family ties and co-operation with consulates for irregular migrants detained in Ukraine”, Natalia Makarenko.

“The programme of the restoration of family ties for persons in the temporary detention centre for foreigners in the village of Rassudovo works since the summer 2008 – from the very beginning of the organization’s work. During its fulfillment, almost 1,600 persons used the telephone cards paid by the Red Cross. The considerable part of migrants were able not only to inform their relatives about their place of staying, but also to legally go to the countries of Western Europe, where they had headed and where their relatives had been waiting for them,” the interlocutor informed.

In addition to the telephone calls, each migrant has the possibility to send an open letter written on special form, which is called the message of the Red Cross. This right is usually used by people who cannot give a telephone call or get their relatives on the phone.

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