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07.11.2014   15:09Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

Thousands Getting Legal Aid in Chernihiv Region

Political turmoil, civil war, and economic collapse have left thousands of Ukrainians in desperate circumstances. Chernihiv Public Committee for Human Rights Protection (ChPCHRP) continues to serve their legal needs, redressing human rights violations, securing governmental services for villagers, and assisting those displaced by the conflict.

ChPCHRP supported a unified approach, engaging student legal clinics, NGOs, and pro bono contributions from private law firms. This approach culminated in a Committee with a diversified funding base, providing critical services.

The Committee offers personal consultations in Chernihiv Region and throughout Ukraine. With expertise in property, employment and healthcare law, Committee’s members have also pivoted to support hundreds of internally displaced people.

In addition to providing face-to-face consultations, Chernihiv Public Committee for Human Rights Protection reaches out to remote villages to conduct “virtual consultations” in a joint initiative with local governments and village libraries. The Committee also maintains an online library of self-help materials through an interactive web portal which also connects prospective clients with appropriate legal aid providers. (www.protection.org.ua) The Committee’s success has attracted new partners and also rendered it an effective policy advocate for the rights of the poor.

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