Останні публікації

21.10.2014   00:04Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

The Legal Aid Programme is adopted in Chernihiv region

Chernihiv regional council has made an important decision for the people of the region on 1 October 2014. During the session the deputies voted for the adoption of “The programme of legal education and providing of free primary legal aid to the people of Chernihiv region in 2014-2016”. This progressive decision is the result of cooperation between the specialists of Community Law Center of Chernihiv public committee of human rights protection and deputies, officials of regional council.

Adopted Programme consolidates the activity conducted by Chernihiv Community Law Center on the level of regional and local communities financed by the International Renaissance Foundation. These are legal education and free legal aid to the people who live in the region. The working group to coordinate the implementation of the Programme is created. The representatives of Community Law Center – the head Viktor Tarasov and the lawyer Nataliya Piddubna - take part in this group.

«The adoption of the Programme enables creation of accessible and effective system to provide free legal aid to every person from Chernihiv region, - the head of the Center Viktor Tarasov comments. – It will become one of the important steps to introduce independent system of free legal aid in the region, financed by local budget. The same work is done on the level of village communities. Now, cooperation memorandums are signed with five village councils of Chernihiv region”.

Thus, human rights activists from Chernihiv were able to cooperate successfully with local authorities. As the result, the system of free legal aid to the people of Chernihiv region was established. The next task is to share this experience with other regions and local communities. This will improve the level of legal education of the population; make legal aid and information on rights and freedoms accessible. This will help people to protect their rights which are violated.

The activity is conducted within the project “Implementation of effective system of free primary legal aid in Chernihiv and Chernihiv region” implemented by Chernihiv public committee of human rights protection supported by International Renaissance Foundation.

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