Останні публікації
13.09.2015 22:31 — Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини
To start life anew in Chernihiv: complicated divorce of the displaced woman from Donetsk region
To stop suffering from her husband’s cheating and to start a new chapter in her life – that was a decision of the displaced woman from Makiivka, who asked for legal aid in Chernihiv Community Law Center.
Mrs. Larisa is the IDP who moved together with her daughter from Donetsk region to Chernihiv. Due to the situation in Donbas her and her husband Andriy’s views of all events crucially differed. As a result the husband left the family and disappeared. He stopped calling, being in touch with his wife and child.
Larisa had to ask the police to help find her husband. However, they did nothing. Eventually the woman decided that her husband either remained in “DPR” or was lost. But last summer she occasionally met him with another woman on the seashore.
Since then Larisa continued her attempts to find Andriy – just to divorce him, but searches did not yield any result. The woman took these events hard that negatively affected her health. Having learned about the Community Law Center and its activities Larisa came there with the request to help her break off the marriage.
Lawyers of the Center considered all possible variants of the solution of the situation. They found out the address where the district court of Makiivka moved and prepared the corresponding statement of claim. The case was complicated because her husband’s whereabouts were unknown.
At the same time employees of court demanded the sum of 800 UAH for publishing the announcement in the local newspaper, but the woman couldn’t afford it. Such circumstances worsened the situation and Larisa got more and more frustrated. But not indifferent people helped the woman raise necessary funds, the announcement was published and a divorce took place according to the procedure.
Finally, after so many efforts the complicated case was resolved. In August Larisa received the decision of Kostyantynivsky city district court in Donetsk region about dissolution of a marriage.
P.S. Community Law Centers are created and work in the framework of the "Legal aid to the poor and vulnerable groups” Initiative with the financial support of the “Human Rights and Justice” Program Initiative of the International Renaissance Foundation.
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