Останні публікації
02.12.2008 18:28 — Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини
The School aroused keen interest of participants as it consisted as of theoretical as practical parts during which the participants could get acquainted rather widely with international experience of good governance development. There was separately studied a problem of a freedom of information. In particular, school’s participants were trained to make information inquiries to the different instances. Experts organized rather interesting practical studies allowing human rights defenders to consider different problems of public and political life from different points of view and to draw some conclusions about efficiency of different activity procedures.
Particular interest of participants was shown in the meetings and visits to the authorities of Chernihiv Region. Belarusian NGO representatives could get acquainted with the activity of the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernihiv Region which was presented by the Alla Lepekha, Human Rights Assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs. During the visit to the Chernihiv Region State Administration participants of the school learned the present situation in the reforming and development of local bodies of Ukrainian executive power. The participants of the school had also an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the exhibition on Golodomor 1932-1933 in Chernihiv Region. There was an exchange of opinions and intense discussion of common problems during these visits.
This action is the next stage of joint activity of the Chernihiv Public Committee of Human Rights Protection and Belarusian Helsinki Committee with the financial support of the European Commission providing for promotion to the civil society development in the Republic of Belarus as well as development of cooperation of the Belarusian third sector with Ukrainian colleagues.
Останні новини
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